9 / 2
5th Sep 2015
22nd May 2016
A small but quick ship, it is lightly armed and armored but it will evade any search party and can outrun almost any ship at non-warp speed. DO NOT COPY


  • rop1p
    21st Feb 2016
    next, tun the deck into a control room, and add some more smaller guns. then you have a heavy tank ready to smash anything that gets in its way.
  • rop1p
    21st Feb 2016
    so to upgrade this into a heavy tank: take out the engine, add a single pump there if anything, and turn the extra space into an ammo storage/SAM unit, which can just be CRAY:FIRE or plsm pr something, but that will have to be reinforced significantly if you choose that. Turn that top part into a cannon, using a high force cray with maybe spme ACEL in between.
  • Shuddarun
    14th Sep 2015
    There, I added the anti-grav system and a new engine that is MUCH better, though it doesnt work so well with the anti-grav on.
  • Shuddarun
    14th Sep 2015
    If you were to make a singsnow/sing lava cannon to fit there, I would certainly add it.
  • Shuddarun
    14th Sep 2015
    Thanks for the ideas, im no good at projectile cannons though, only lasers and bray weapons are my forte.
  • rop1p
    13th Sep 2015
    read from top down
  • rop1p
    13th Sep 2015
    so, continuing on my idea in the hen-take out the top deck, and add all of that functionality to the four little rooms, which seem to be bedrooms. make the command/bunk area two rooms instead of four. where the top deck was, place either a singsnow/sing lava cannon, or some other similar weapon. add more aray in a row towards the back as an anti aircraft weapon.
  • rop1p
    13th Sep 2015
    then, on the bottom, hook to the reactor a couple of gpmp units with negative gravity for hovering purposes. or pump, but gpmp would work better.
  • Shuddarun
    6th Sep 2015
    Thanks Death
  • Kike200
    6th Sep 2015
    Paulotronator: He is a severe jugde, i know.