For Proof. Credit to Death_Silence_66 For the cannon. OUTDATED, but still kinda cool.
your ship is great but fire will destroy the thick insulator i sujest you layor it with diffrent kinds of materal then titatnum my ship for example 2034676
What is, the cannon or the ship?
This thing is incredible.
NVM, I found it, the artillery by itself cant kill my ship, but it can after the firestorm goes off.
No, whats the cleave?
Actually it is just the insl, the layering does nothing. Have you tried the cleave on it?
Also another think is that if my EMP weapon goes of right as the cannon starts to shoot, it kinda breaks.
Thanks, it's nowhere near blue vibranium, but it's what I use for the front of my falgship, so thats why it can take such a beating.
Yep. Pretty nice.
Yeah, maybe I will, have you seen my armor save?