*wip*This is a new generation of my neuron simulations. <Would be too long to describe, see first comment>
oh no what if it is working out how to take over the world
because of the high hopes ;_; no seriously, it wouldn't be this pseudorandom if the cells were more differentiated. but this save is only a demonstration of the neurons
But seriously, pretty cool. I still don't see why you call this pseudorandomizer a "brain"
nice randomizer Kappa
The other novelty is an action potential sim. The neurons have a membrane potentian (temp), and at a certain treshold (by strong/multiple input) the cell will fire. After firing, the potential decreases.
*have a smaller chance of
They have an improved "strenghtened connection" system prototype, with weak and strong synapses. Current function: Weak synapses will usually send a weak signal (which causes a smaller potential increase), and a smaller chance of transmitting a strong signal (which obviously increases potential more). Strong synapses have a 100% chance of transmitting a strong signal.