A really overpowered cannon, feel free to use it to your hearts content.
cuts through the wall like butter, +1
idk why they are being rude for no reson they are just jealous of how good this is. there are people who dont know how to use it but that dose not make it right to down vote for no reason. i think its awsome +111111111111111111111111111
uh o.e k
-1 shitty
i have something better
Put MERC in the barrel for a fun thing woo
just found out that login is case sensitive so i sat there for like 5 mins wondering why i couldnt log in xD
even mine was better, and that was in may 2015
i mean srs.....
i have to -1 this as it was really underpowered, and some of the guns utillizing SL's tech are way better