Slightly redesigned, not as pretty, but actually works without exotic air modes -and- all of the materials used for heating and cooling are perfectly recycled. Light is also possible to switch on and off!
The sun is a deadly laser.
>_> Just a few particles come out. I wanted disposable boxes.
Oh my god while i was doing this, the bray's life became 0, so salt came out of the storage.... Maybe it will be better to use other things...
@Daeox: yea... i found that out the hard way... WAIT DID SOMEONE JUST CALL CATELITE A NOOB???? *mind blown*
@NorthMustang I do agree but WSA_30 is right, the sun doesn't produce X-rays.
@NorthMustang The sun doesn't generate x-rays. X-rays are created when electrons collide with a metal plate.
Yeah but it's incredibly difficult to attain self-sustaining fusion in TPT and even if you do the photons almost always get stuck in the lower plasma layers.
no not really, the sun isnt just one element, its a big sphere of fusion, you already have that in tpt
@NorthMustang that we be so awesome
@lshh || They should add a "SUN" element that is at max temp, has its own gravity, and gives off photons & x-rays. xD