2nd Jan 2016
3rd Jan 2016
changes 1.1: shape changed, firepower increased. Changes 1.2: major shape changes. Changes 1.3: increased firepower
my version better than you(account New_man999999(this is my account))
Also learn to grammar. XD you lost Everything.
Plus you make things that look like a 13 year old made it without use of zoom tool. Give me credit for not saying 6 year old.
Lol I don't have a potato. You can't run TPT on a potato you dumbass.
*then, not than
@NewTrain64 If this lags than stop TPT on a potato and get yourself a real computer.
Seems it has gotten better, but it is still rather weak.
Like a butt XD
Also its more efficient and less laggy. This thing is just a giant gasser that lags.
I have a hydrogen cannon too that can break QRTZ.