The way the uncrackable code the no-no germans used was cracked is because they put "Heil H_tler" at the end of every code, so for example, if they put 1294 193427 at the end of the code, the british would know 1=H, 2=E, 9=I, so on so forth.
yea umm pulsar i have chaneged the castle and mde it different with crediit
but that enigma was cracked eventually
idk what it means, but it is like the uncrackable enigma the germans used in WWII to send uncrackable messages
what do the numbers mean?
lol theres also a key on the tree without deco that says tzar
Hey, Pulsar has this decoder. Problem solved...? ID: 1826050
Take deco out - the code is 2464 2699 5967 5095 1017 5855 8712 3011 9302 5423 0567 1594 3417 0766