8 / 3
11th Jan 2016
15th Jan 2016
<fixed>[UPDATE: Now with upgraded redbot!] An improvement to the previous powder-gas-brained bots, with a new, completely wifiless design.


  • UpsidedownWolves
    17th Jul 2016
    I don't want to unload it it's so cute
  • Karakanlud
    10th Feb 2016
    The new stuff will come out soon. I had to start it over again, but I'm already calibrating it. It will contain a (maybe optional) eat-to-survive mode, and the medium is going to have a function now ;)
  • Karakanlud
    10th Feb 2016
    The new stuff will come out soon. I had to start it over again, but I'm already calibrating it. It will contain a (maybe optional) eat-to-survive mode, and the medium is going to have a function now ;)
  • Karakanlud
    10th Feb 2016
    Thanks. I don't get why there's such a fuss about names, as it won't discredit anyone if we use the same cathegory for two completely different designs.
  • ScipioCarian
    4th Feb 2016
    And they are using BOYL, which is a gas. Now stop falsely accusing Karakanlud.
  • ScipioCarian
    4th Feb 2016
    Kevino36. Just leave Karakanlud alone. He works hard on these.
  • Windspren
    17th Jan 2016
    Can you please stop falsely claiming that these are gas bots? As I've told you countless times, the gas in these play absolutely no part in the function of the bot. Calling these gas bots is like calling bots that use MERC as a randomizer GLOW bots because they use GLOW to fill empty space. You have repeatedly mislead people into thinking that these use gas as a genome, which they do not. While the bots may be good (+1), falsely claiming that they are what they are not is not good.
  • Karakanlud
    15th Jan 2016
    This bot's controls use positive gravity. This way, if it's stuck between two walls, it go straight into one of them
  • ScipioCarian
    15th Jan 2016
  • Karakanlud
    15th Jan 2016
    sadly, I'll have to axe them to add new functions :'( the piston layout must be reversed