<fixed>[UPDATE: Now with upgraded redbot!] An improvement to the previous powder-gas-brained bots, with a new, completely wifiless design.
Karakanlud. You've perfected it. The new geometry is just what it needed. I've watched it for ten to twenty minutes. It's doing just fine.
Next goal - self replicating, if there's enough energy.
ScipioCarian: Could you check it too?
Let see if this one works
Nah, I think it simply needs some adjustment. As they broke in half, maybe it was too easy for the stne to jump between a detector and the one next to it. So now I'll try experimenting with a different geometry.
Do you think you'll have to scrap this one? Just curious.
Yep... I was a bit hasty about it
Like...as soon as I started, the red block decided to commit sudoku.
*in half
.......Broke is half, perfectly down the middle, both the red and green.