Press history to see its stages (do the most recent of the different looking stages) Now with more realistic light! (and fully destroyable)
*neshorish (how did i mess that up?!)
It also begins sending out warpular tacterian ships, holding off the dreii in the area.
Tacterians tap into this, and suddenly, it starts simulateing many events that could happen, and telling the fleepteetees tacterians what to do in order to have a high ability to win the war
What the neshorish do not know is that it has remote access to simulate, fabricate, deploy, anything the remote controller wants - This is also a full overide.
The neshorish, having control, deside to give the circuits a more "Suitable" color for there desires
My superposition drives alter all probabilites, rendering the supership completely useless.
They begin building the ship, It is built, and sent to fleepteetees. There is only one thing wrong with the simulation: A taristan brain can't simulate taristan brains inside of its simulating envirement
The neshorish find that they are on a path to loosing, and simulate a new craft that hasn't had its bluprint yet. Results test positive. acording to that simulation, they will take over the entire supercluster.
Soon after that they surround it with a multitude of defence craft.
The neshorish take over the taristan brain. And use the power of it for there advantages.