CHEM i see that you chose LN2 as the cooling method, and that's ok. BUT, if you dont want to use clone and control it by electricity, you should check my cooling method. I discovered by accident, by the way. But mine is COOL... got it?
@floryne I didn't have a thing to do with it...
why you chem's homepage delete ? :(
I made a LOXY factory myself that was inspired by this ID:1957628
Using liquid nitrogen to get liquid oxygen) 10/10 P.S Anyway, +1)
Bluephoenix322 it is because water has hydrogen and oxygen. when you combine those two gases by buring the hydrogen, it becomes water.
if you redirect all the hydrogen and oxygen to the makes it back into water o_0
poodiepie you are wrong, mentioning it is ok, asking for votes is not, and the rule packet simon sent me says quote "No large obnoxious signs thanking people for fp"
Cool Idea, but remember, you're not allowed to mention FP or votes in the save.