Also, if you liked my star maker, then check my other saves out that I poured A LOT of time into, like my destructable city with 9 ways to kill the city and MANY combinations, or my self sustained duet power plant, that I'm still working the kinks out, and also my other stuff that I have. It does mean a lot to me for my saves that I spent a lot of time and effort gett he love they deserve.
sorry bigexplosions does sound a bit better too bne honest
Ok, this does work, but I have two suggestions, 1. My name is bigexplosion, not bigexplosions, just so you know now, and 2. On the pumps inner edge, the one that the uranium and stuff hits, add a diamond layer so that no photons can get out of the casing. Other then that, good job.
U may need to add more gas to it