Inspired by 3DRUS's drone battle, I've made a 3v3 battle game, where you can control the blue team, and the red one is controlled by a basic AI wired to respond to your actions, and change its protocol during the battle. Hulls from Kevino36's gas bots.
Good. Really. +1
whoops, ignore the update
Kamikazied one drone that ended up killing all three of the enemy robots. +1
0 casualty victory. Yeeaaaahhhh!
Two of my guys died, and I had one, but the FRME on the back came off. Still won. 10/10
And I was still able to win with the small part...
One of my drones blew up, but a part of it still kept moving and destroyed everything. +1
absolutely amazing! +1
update: Made a better wiring for cannons, now they will stop shooting when the drone blows up.
Somewhat easy, but cool! +1.