Trivia: You need around ~130 pixels of bizarre in his bloodstream for his brain to live. -laominos- He only digest stone, bcol, sand and pqrt :). I have republished Body V5 and changed it for easier use.
Great body +1
i dont think this author understands what copying means btw... it means you used someone elses save without saying it was theirs, and calling it yours or not saying anything about it.
what are those little blood thingies at the very top for?
+1 Its amazing.
-1, copied.
Save unpublished: copied without credit from id:1477357 (save "BODY V5" by Loadstar). Please give credit to the original owner when modifying saves.
You didnt make this. You copied. Just because you moved stuff it doesnt mean anything
it is very mucb a copy!
Exactly thats the whole point its just easier to use. read the discription.