This is a basic refrigeration cycle, something I've decided to do, but can't get far enough to be happy with and call complete. I'll need some help trying to get this done if anybody has HVAC knowledge or game skill (Thisis my first save so no hate)...
I'm a bit dissapointed that this didn't work with actual RFRG
love it i wish that you could do a proper working one with righjt temps I tryed be ut was not succsesful :(
Oh, and when I tried to use something (Even tried steam) to fill the evaporation chamber to heat the coolant up again, it would end up crumbling the pipes, since the heat put too much pressure on the pipe. I think TPT should add stronger pipe, or make the current pipe more presure rated..
Also, for the condenser coil, I put clone at the top of the cooling chamber, and let liquid nitrogen fill it to supercool the "refrigerant", which I used glow, since it didn't freeze in the pipe. I would've thought after the glow exists the condenser coil, it would warm up and be near the same temperature in initial state, but the LN2 impacted the whole loop and the glow didn't change color or anything as temps were heating and cooling.
Issues I have is finding a gas that can be condenced to a good cooled temperature without freezing, and the pipe likes to crumble when too much pressure is around it, so heating the pipe when the "coolant" is in it is not working for me. I don't know if TPT thought of this concept, because I'm working hours, and I can get it to work correctly... Anybody who can shed some light and can suggest fixes or ideas, please let me know! :)