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7th Aug 2016
7th Aug 2016
This is a modified version of my simple plut-deut nuke that causes a fusion reaction. It uses BCLN, so if your like me and prefer realistic bombs, check somewhere else.
nuke nuclear bomb fusion fission explosive realistic


  • godfather38
    10th Aug 2016
    agent420: No offense, but the only bomb of yours i could find was a box of thunder and bomb (the "element"). this one is designed to be stable, realistic, and capable. i dont enjoy making a big boom as much as i like making an awesome device that can lead to a big boom.
  • agent420
    8th Aug 2016
    dude check out my bombs, they are better and smaller
  • godfather38
    7th Aug 2016
    UPDATED: edited the fusion circle, better fusion.