Stadium made by Mattzo_29, meteor fireball effect made by me. I guess the Blue Buccaneers won this game! Or not.
@zqasd Wreaking death and destruction upon the planet Earth, they are the Zqas Miners! Forfeiting the parachute design, they go full force instead and create quarries in the planet which they can mine in!
now i know now my miners land on other planets... my engineers forgot parashute on design...
@RedLightning oh lol
Ha! If you zoom in, you can see the goalie look at his dead friends.
@Awalone ty. And I don't know why people downvote this even when I gave credit.
hmm maybe just nobody loves works like these? im dont know, but i like this
how come this keeps getting downvotes? i'm giving credit.
but dat goalie tho