2048 cell single chamber FRAM. In this demo random values are written to random addresses. Scales pretty well as the more important addressing mechanisms are designed to use constant space rather than logarithmic. *** Added link to the R216K2A.
How does this work?
Added sign pointing to the R216K2A.
can some one tell me how tf this works
Ah i see now. For all this time i thought the write head is somewhere 'inside' the component itself.
A piston actuator selects a DRAY from the bank of DRAYs above the vertical line of FILT and copies it into the write head. These DRAYs all have different tmp2 values and write to different rows of the RAM.
Actually this one is clear for me. Maybe its way too obvious but the thing that is unclear is how it writes vertically?
Oh I forgot to read comments! I'm assuming what gets you is that you don't know how the write head knows where to stop moving. Get this: there is a third head that pulls all the strings! It copies three INSL down, two of which control the read head and one the write head. Both of the latter are moved by pistons that can't push INSL.
Cant grasp it. Could you explain it?
Yeah the write head is tricky. Hint: it exploits a fun feature of FRME that makes it possible to use the same piston head thing as both sticky and non-sticky from two different PSTN roots.
Yeah, but how does it write?