2048 cell single chamber FRAM. In this demo random values are written to random addresses. Scales pretty well as the more important addressing mechanisms are designed to use constant space rather than logarithmic. *** Added link to the R216K2A.
Ehh. I'd rather you didn't. Maybe after I release my next computer, one of the main parts of which is this module. Sorry, I know I haven't been too active lately.
Can I use this?
Well, yeah. Delays tend to disappear in the world of subframe.
@QuanTech i know that fps is not constant. i ment that its a 0tick delay and not a delay of 7ticks (normal sprk)
@dodo-hacker 60hz if your framerate is 60 fps. If you type 'tpt.setfpscap(2)' and get an fps something like 200 fps, then it would be 200Hz!
wait... is this a ram module at 60hrz???
That's because it's fed random input *and* addresses. In a computer it'd read cells sequentially most of the time.
it looks very unstable because it moves, Very cool
Oh yeah, before I forget. @Schmolendevice: Even on my crappy PC pushing the whole block of FILT doesn't seem to be that much of a resource hog.
@mark2222 Hmm thats pretty cool looking :)