2048 cell single chamber FRAM. In this demo random values are written to random addresses. Scales pretty well as the more important addressing mechanisms are designed to use constant space rather than logarithmic. *** Added link to the R216K2A.
@cmk20 @ivel236 If you like computer creation timelapses, I've got one for LightPC (http://i.imgur.com/TioWqVA.gif). But yeah @LBPHacker if you've been making backups like a Responsible Person, it'd be awesome to see them in timelapse form.
yeah a timelapse would be sweet!
You should save some screeenshots of the computer as you build it... that progression would be kind of neat to look at
@LBPHacker Lol mabey now with this computer I can make a fully working calculator, considering yout provided an example with a division function :P
As for running Mario ... maybe with a screen peripheral that supports sprites. (btw, somehow a part of the URL below ends up not being rendered on my TPT client - select-rightclick-copying works though)
Thanks everyone. Just wait until I turn this into a computer. Opcode list preview available at http://lbphacker.hu/powdertoy/R216K2A/opcodes.txt
+herp Maybe with pretty low-res graphics. The computer that mark2222 is working on could maybe do that?
Could you make a game that uses: Stickman controls, a processor like this, and make the game like mario?
Your understanings of TPT computing systems are just so incrediby expansive. Bravo, good sir. +1
This is amazing, you guys are really pushing the limits of tpt comuting. I used to be able to figure out how most of your stuff worked but this just makes my brain implode DX