85 / 13
17th Dec 2016
21st Dec 2016
This material is a powder-liquid mixture of two sticky elements that acts as a solid under normal conditions. Will do testing!
newtonian gravity enablegravity clst unstable donteatthegrav composite replaceclstgel


  • sajm00n12
    10th Jun 2022
    u can use nitr and hav fun
  • wotax
    1st Mar 2017
    it looks like wafers but I like it
  • funky3000
    21st Dec 2016
    Also what makes this most interesting to me is because even tho I could achieve the same thing with concrete, concrete doesn't move sideways when it piles like most powders do, however these materials do yet when combined they don't seem to move sideways and start falling at all, like they hold eachother together like there's some sort of glue.
  • funky3000
    21st Dec 2016
    Updated to make the pattern easier to see
  • Myymzy
    21st Dec 2016
    funky!!!! you genius!! it can be used in cities!! this would be got material! +1 +fav
  • Maxwell2421
    21st Dec 2016
    Another weird effect can be accomplished by replacing the CLST with GOO in the material. It can not hold up a structure like this can, but it has some weird anti-gravity properties until the GOO dissappears.
  • alexelcaza
    20th Dec 2016
    one neut can destroy it all
  • RegorForgot
    20th Dec 2016
    BlockBuilder97 I WAS NOT JOKING.
  • funky3000
    20th Dec 2016
    Seems the room temperature stuff is only marginally waterproof, as long as not too much is splashed over it
  • funky3000
    20th Dec 2016
    @Block I splashed the cold one and it absorbed most and froze the rest