Use GOLD, they said ... It'll conduct faster, they said ...
@basiliotornado: I know, right? :P What would be the point of the save if I didn't?
@coryman: And that's how you explain it improperly. Reading that one might think that GOLD takes sparks from and passes sparks to 4 pixels away *in every direction*, while that's clearly not the case.
It got *onto* and *hated off* FP overnight. Yay. As expected. I like this community :P
its cause you did that space thing dont put spaces inbetween
METL conducts spark 1 or 2 pixels, GOLD conducts 1, 2 or 4 (not 3). So in a straight line, gold is faster, but if you limit where it can go, it can be slowed down
aaaand it's on fp! +1