Some simple cell stuff. I'll have multiple images here- don't worry, I'll tell you what's what.
Did this get back on FP? I thought it had left...
Very good use of wifi +1
That's a very creative way of using WIFI!
i fixed the chromosomes do you think its better?
If anyone wants a really good cell I recommend this id:2075157.
While your cell has functioning parts, I believe that the main problem is that it's a little crude. I can over look all of that (because I'm a nice guy). The only issue that stands out to me is that the nucleus has a Y chromosome.
how is this on fp but my cell get tons of dislikes
I wasn't actually around for the other cell save, could I get an ID? I love this kind of stuff :P
At least jf55 gave a solid reason... I'll see what I can do about that blank space!
upvoted because people downvoted :P +1