This is my first computer! I give credit to respective parts, the rest are mine... Note: Every decoration was drawn by hand. Note2: Excuse me by my English, i'm from Argentina.
For the fibonaacci sequence you dont need any input
Do I need to put in a number for the Fibonacci to count to or does it just start on its own
Update: New Logo + Link to my Saves!
@freestuffguy I'm finishing a tiny processor that you can program! Stay checking!
It reminds me of the Altair 8080 home computer...Probably got the name wrong. But really awesome, I wonder if there can actually be a tape reading or punch card reader peripheral.
@Parker1105 yep =D
also did you base this off ben eaters 8 bit computer
God shit .... how do you create it at all?)
I had some fun programming it (made a counting program). It would be awesome if this save had more views - it deserves to be put up in the thousands at least. Very neat!