58 / 7
13th Apr 2017
12th Feb 2024
Reuploaded from 2018 to fix wiring. Uses a line of small exotic pressure builders to heat uranium. This is then used to heat water, and spin a turbine (that I'm too lazy to make).
meltdown destructable electricity generator clean exot pressure boiler panda


  • MegaGengarRayquaza38
    19th Feb 2019
  • Technomancer
    21st Apr 2017
    FYI, it is possible in theory to build a fully-destructible version of this. Controlling the pressure is tricky but not impossible. Also, I enjoyed the fact that, amidst everybody's stupid complaints, not one person pointed out that the electron beam almost certainly uses more power than this can generate! Never mind. If it's cool, it doesn't NEED to be realistic. +1
  • Technomancer
    21st Apr 2017
    Do not feed the trolls. Ignore them, literally pretend you haven't even read any pointless comments, and just address the people with useful or constructive input. This is a nice piece of work, it's not perfect but it's a lot better than the majority of saves I see nowadays.
  • asthepanda3
    20th Apr 2017
    Supernacboy, The uran does nothing if you remove the exot. Also, "copy someone with talent"? I've had more success than you have saves. Why don't you shut your god damn mouth.
  • supernacboy
    20th Apr 2017
    Try removing the exot. The Uranium still heats up the water. I give you two suggestions to how you could improve your work 1) Try copying someone with talent. 2) Dont be a baby when someone calls you out for being a talentless hack.
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    Without the exot there wouldn't be a pressure buld up. Therefore, no heat would be generated. If you're not satisfied with my work I give two suggestions 1) Peacefuly leave. 2) Go die in a ditch like the lawyer demon spawn you are.
  • supernacboy
    19th Apr 2017
    The uranium does all the work. Totally pointless to even have the exot and the delay doesnt stop explosions. 0/10
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    ... Sorry for exploding again. This stuff just pisses me off sometimes. It's why I left the first time, The relentless gosh darn comments.
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    Or if they say, "your shit is trash" "You didn't even need this bit that took over two days of research, being one of the THREE people to ever actually study,"
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    I'm not kiding, have you ever gotten repeat comments saying "Your shit is trash, you could do better by doing this", then you reply with a no, and then they say "Well heres a way".