58 / 7
13th Apr 2017
12th Feb 2024
Reuploaded from 2018 to fix wiring. Uses a line of small exotic pressure builders to heat uranium. This is then used to heat water, and spin a turbine (that I'm too lazy to make).
meltdown destructable electricity generator clean exot pressure boiler panda


  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    I look at the comments, and I just want to f****** kill you all right now. If you don't have something meaningful to say, get out. I don't care. Thank you MEOWS for now stating the way to do something I didn't want to do, I'll do it anyway. tptquantum, just leave.
    19th Apr 2017
    @asthepanda3 not really. What i ment was a switch that starts open. When you spark the btton, the spark goes into the electron gun, closes the switch and then goes into a DLAY for 2 minutes or something that eventually reopens the switch again and allows it so be reactivated again. Hope this helps :)
  • tptquantum
    19th Apr 2017
    actually no need to use the ELEC beam, it starts by itself
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    What should I do next? As in, what should I make next?
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    Gosh darn it!
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    Wait, that last comment was just the same sentence repeated...
  • asthepanda3
    19th Apr 2017
    I know, I've addressed this already. I already said it was put there so that the user wouldn't have to wait too long. It's also used to jump start the proccess. With a higher tmp2, EXOT produces far more pressure. This allows the URAN to heat up faster.
  • Anastasia_616
    18th Apr 2017
    lol panda, the elec beam is completely unnessecary, the heat produced from the uranium just from the pressure of the exot at normal tmp2 is enough to make electricity
  • asthepanda3
    18th Apr 2017
    That's not gonna happen. It would mean that sparking the button the first time would take over two minutes to register inside the reactor. Plus, it only ever really has to be sparked once.
    18th Apr 2017
    There is still one problem: double sparking the electron gun in under about 10 seconds causes an explosion. You could easily add in a mechanism that prevents sparking rapidly (DLAY connected to switch mechanism)