58 / 7
13th Apr 2017
12th Feb 2024
Reuploaded from 2018 to fix wiring. Uses a line of small exotic pressure builders to heat uranium. This is then used to heat water, and spin a turbine (that I'm too lazy to make).
meltdown destructable electricity generator clean exot pressure boiler panda


  • LetsGoToSpace
    16th Apr 2017
    Well its kinda cool with the rainbowy meltdown.
  • asthepanda3
    16th Apr 2017
    How is this still here? Shouldn't it be dead already? It can't be that interesting...
  • asthepanda3
    15th Apr 2017
    The wall is now needed. So I re-added it.
  • zqasd
    15th Apr 2017
    can ya remove WALL?
  • Awsomeman1089
    14th Apr 2017
    then drop a pixel of dest on it
  • asthepanda3
    14th Apr 2017
    Also, without the exot, the uran has no source of pressure. Therefore, no heat can be produced.
  • asthepanda3
    14th Apr 2017
    If you mean that the exot generates heat when you remove the uran, you're wrong. That heat is produced by the elec fired into the exot. The elec is already 800+ degrees c.
  • asthepanda3
    14th Apr 2017
    I've never had exot create heat on it's own. The exot creates pressure that makes the uran heat up. That's how this works, and as far as I know it's the only way it can work.
  • xyloguy
    14th Apr 2017
    As this save stands, even without the EXOT, the URAN alone would still provide enough heat to boil the WATR. Would be more interested to see a reactor with purely EXOT, rather than the URAN, as the EXOT produces heat on its own.
  • asthepanda3
    14th Apr 2017
    In order for this to not be cheating, I would have to get rid of the powerable clone. I would also have to remove the filt and heat switch. There comes a point where a fully destroyable reactor wouldn't work for this. Perhaps you're right, but at least I don't use diamond.