@drray no, SCAR stands for Special Operation Forces Combat Assault Rifle, and it is a highly modular rifle made for SOCOM and there are different varients. The SCAR-L fires 5.56, SCAR-H or SCAR-20 fires 7.62, SCAR SSR is a sniper rifle that also shoots 7.62. The united states only uses SCAR-H and SSR because the SCAR-L is too expensive to replace the M4 Carbine as an assault weapon, even though the SCAR is better.
well, after observing it carefully and comparing it to other real assault rifles of that kind, one would find it to be too tall instead of short, just due to its proportions. but thanks anyways!
I kept the handle, the stock, and magazine from my old SCAR save and restructured everything else, paying attention to those details.
ya, i'm not the best at these detail, glad u cud hlp
more accurately, this is a SCAR-L just sort of tall...
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