4 / 3
16th May 2017
16th May 2017
Hey Guys, its me Tanatos. I know its been three years but I decided to come back and I've made a new account to put all my new saves on. I hope to make alot more amazing saves for TPT.


  • Best-Slav
    26th Jul 2017
    No tanatos logo, too afraid to steal from a inactive user...
  • werickson
    19th May 2017
    it's been 3 days now so i guess its another faker.
  • TanatosIsBack
    16th May 2017
    sorry cant log back into my old account because ive forgotten my old password to the other account and i terminated the email i used for that account a while back, but if you dont believe its me that's your opinion, its ok
  • handicraftsman
    16th May 2017
    Try to not accidentally upvote something what is already upvoted from second account *runs*. Well, if yor IP is changed, then feel free to do so.
  • arlo
    16th May 2017
    Can you temporarily log into your old account to prove you're real?
  • TanatosIsBack
    16th May 2017
    ok, next save coming in 4 hrs. It will be the best world ive ever made.
  • SaphiraKai
    16th May 2017
    Sorry, i won't actually believe that you are actually Tanatos until you upload something of Tanatos quality. There are way too many account fakers out there, so i'll need proof.