Take out the card right after pressing check and right before the sparks go off
Nice! Took me a while to get the key card to pass, but eventually got it!
in principle, the mechanism is not bad and multifunctional, but compared to my, hack it a little easier.(P.s) a translation in Google
100% pass key card id:2142181
The card you have in there isn't colored right, it lacks magenta and that makes everything kinda off by 1
Read from bottom to upper.
Then if GOLD gave SPRK to METL, it goes to PSTN, and activate it for 1 frame, in parallel with this wifi goes to ARAY with delay, and fires BRAY (laser), and if one of PSTN's is activatet in fire moment - acess denied. Write if You don't understand tomething.
When you spark "CHECK" button, SPARK goes to INWR then go to PSCN under TUNG/GOLD on card (deco off to see under colors), next if it goes on TUNG, SPARK can't reach to METL, else it GOLD, it can reach the METL (GOLD have an ability - long range SPRK, can reach the GOLD or other conductor between 3 pixels).