Yet another warp save showcasing another effect of the strange and mysterious warp I created.
dude these warp saves are soooo interesting. please keep making them
I dont see any resemblance between the red bray graph and the diamond graph
ever heard of the double slit experiment? this looks a bit like that. It is a quantum thing.
Actually it's not the same pattern - I was wrong.
@Catelite But it comes up with the same output series every time. Isn't that very unlikely?
@Catelite Ok, that makes sense! I thought it could be a possibility but I didn't have the time to check. Thanks for clearing that up!
by left you mean right
This.. is actually just totally random distribution patterns. This is the pattern you get IRL from actual random outputs of any kind, just about.
Yeah, yeah. Just commenting on that tag. Thought I should probably clear up any confusion around it.
@asthepanda3 this is why I shouldn't try and write things in the middle of the night :P. Anyway, I understand that it's not pressure related but it appears to have an effect similar to interference patterns of pressure waves. Either way, interference patters do not have to be pressure related at all, considering the interference patterns of light.