This save is dedicated to the men and women of our armed forces, and to those that paid the ultimate price for freedom. The flag mural is 100% hand drawn, and yes, the FIRW launchers are free to copy. Happy Independence day!
just wanna say that the guy under this comment is brainwashed
just wanna say that the guy under this comment is brainwashed
just wanna say that the guy under this comment is brainwashed
Sometimes, i wish people would shut there mouth and actually appreciate the overwhelming amount of good things in the US and how much good they have done. It kinda hurts me to see how much people dream and wish of a world without the US. If there was no US we would not have several things including: The Phone, The Internet, Nuclear Power, and probably a few other things.
serbs cant hide these facts forever!
they lied to their people on tv about the situation in serbia just so they can commit war crimes for income
god bless the usa destroyed 25000 houses 11 hospitals almost 100 schools destroyed more then a half of all serbian roads killed more then 3000 innocent serbs just to make the president spend 100+ million dollars on mines and make money after his presidensy, he is still making money to this day off of kosovo mines, stop these war crimes!
@Jacob1, no problem. Also, thx.
What i was trying to say in my last comment though, nvm.
Also I should probably demote this now. Since it's not July 4th anymore ...