Discussion/Forum, For TPT QM's & Laws. Post in the Comments, Finds, Research, Facts, Experiments, tests, ideas, Glitchs, and peer to peer feedback. The More information we gather collectively. the more we can quantify TPT.
e.g. 1 subframe of time takes up 1px of space and 1 subframe of space takes up 1px of time. i.e. space-time.
this doesnt mension subframes. on the subframe level, space and time become the same.
Also, I think that future of quantum physics in TPT is SOAP.
TPT has alternative light sources (for example, heated tungsten).
also making not makeing
probabilities not probabilitys
I am Aware how differnet TPT is from the real world, like i say if anything was to ever be possible it would be extrenely different
link to Element probability %'s Experiment id:2162924
thanks for the feedback keep it coming
for probability things.