aka heat pump. made in 10 mins while half asleep, excuse save quality WARNING turns into infinite heat machine after a few minutes
i think the fighter froze to death... xD +1
wtf almost 150 degrees celcius in 20 seconds
air condishioning xddd kms
OOh sorry i didn't think bout the pumps built in the fridge(*ought to call it fridge*)
+1 (Too Short)
50 degrees can kill sometimes
totally off physics!!! without fans, the bottom part of the cold part has slightly more heat than the upper part....but that's what Jacob needs to fix...so cool+1
_Tovy_Fox_ Temperature in TPT is in celsius.
@kingVampyre 50 degrees cant kill someone...
Rename it "freezer" and it's perfect XD +1 cuz I like rfrg :3