31st Aug 2017
2nd Sep 2017
(Inspired by other game of life games) Dodge lazers for as long as you can - it will get harder and harder every level! Instructions are in the simulation. Comment your final score! :) enjoy (Type in the console: tpt.setfpscap(35) before starting)
83 on try 1
64 in my first try
thanks @sentinel-5 !
I found a flaw in my design, if you spark two different inputs within a few frames of eachother they'll both get through, but since you're using a stickman controller that shouldn't be an issue unless people are TRYING to break the game.
Obviously not the most compact or the fastest method, but here's my example. it shows the logic at least. ID:2181274 hope it works for you. you can scale it up or down as far as you like too, bonus.
If you work out how many frames need to pass between one input and the next to make sure nothing breaks, you can set some dlay to that time, have it activated no matter which input is sparked, then turn off swch for every input until the timer runs out, at which point the swch is turned back on and the process can restart with the next input. it's 2am and i'm tired, but i'll make a simple example and send you the ID.
press right multiple times lol
the white thing shouldn't slam into the play area - if it is really close to it you must be at the edge or something
The white thing slamed in to the game area when i was sliced. lol
4 yeah i suck at this strange game....