Place bomb on top. This is a small wall that can rival walls 3-4x it's own size. Made with things only BOMB can break, then filled with QRTZ AND MERC with high tmp (high TMP on these elements means a lot of spreading...)
2305343 Rekt
I got through it in like 3 seconds. Which was almost how long it took me to make my garbage bomb. id:2207120
Btw, the bomb dosen't need to hurt the wall, it needs to blow up the other side and prot do the job gr8.
id:2207003 don't say it dosen't break, anything under it would be toast.
i knwo what beats it,the clear all button
if a bomb goes fast enough and theres enough of them it goes straight through no problem,the only challenge here is destroying murcury fast than it expands.
p.s. if you turn velocity off, sing acts like dest on drugs, It drills straight thru
oops, I was going for the acid button, but I hit downvote insted, I hate it when dat happens
A large enough amount of BOMB hitting fast enough obliterates the entire thing. A number of other bombs of mine unleash superheated MERC and/or molten QRTZ on the far side.