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20th Feb 2018
20th Feb 2018
uranium reactor and coal powered turbine. as you can see the coal turbine emits polluting smoke and also has to be refilled with fuel often. the uranium reactor is more efficient and zero pollution only emits water vapor
nuclear reactor uran water


  • nobodyagain
    10th Dec 2023
    salt fuel reactors are low pressure (the bottom of a swimming pool) high temprature, walk away safe (you can just leave a plant and it will not explode under any condition), and the fuel is very common.
  • nobodyagain
    10th Dec 2023
    even low level radioactive waste (like gloves) are stored within a concrete tube a hundred feet underground. as of today, nuclear power is THE safest, cleanest, and most compact form of power that we have.
  • nobodyagain
    10th Dec 2023
    the amount of radiation released by the fossil fuel industry is FAR, FAR higher than the atomic industry. that includes the disasters.
  • CyberTechIndustries
    20th Feb 2018
    thorium is a potential alternative, less does more, and less waste!
  • SuperJohn
    20th Feb 2018
    and in realife the uranium is bad for the enviorment and the nuclear waste is used for nuclear bombs.. and it emits radioactivity..
  • SuperJohn
    20th Feb 2018
    -1 doesnt matter! they wanna get rid of those 2 energy sources in realife...