Green space fleet. Feel free to take these and use them how you want, just give credit if you publish it! More on the way if this recieves positive feedback
+1 cool no decor but totally defencless and i enjoyed blowing this up
btw someone messed up the tags. now it has everything to do with very hot
PROT works in the reactors okay.
Expanding on my earlier thoughts, replacing PHOT with NEUT actually causes BCLN to break. You could also try VIBR instead of BIZR.
I can't find any fault here. It's good overall. I'd advise adding functionality, though. Engines, reactors, and the like.
Wait, DS66 is back? Why was I not informed? Wow, ma. It's been far too long.
If you plan on making more of these, ypu should take a look at my saves.
sure go ahead
untamedchild559: can i use this for my first save? just logged on today for first time I'll give cred
FTL ships?