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4th Apr 2018
4th Mar 2019
A Deuterium oxide (DEUT) reactor that uses gravity pumps to confine the hot reactant. I carrently have not found a way of getting acuall sprk (electricity) out of this yet. I had this idea while trying to make a toroid magnet for a fusion reactor.
reactor deut deuterium magnet containment gravity fission nuclear toroid


  • science457
    5th Apr 2018
    and yes. i could use portals. but that would take away the challenge aspect.
  • science457
    5th Apr 2018
    I need the high pressure pumps because they make the containment much more efficient
  • Technomancer
    5th Apr 2018
    You can also use PUMP with temp 0K to neutralise any pressure that does escape the chamber.
  • Technomancer
    5th Apr 2018
    If you don't mind 'unrealism', you could use portals instead of pipes, which allows you to get DEUT into the chamber faster while preserving its original life, and has the bonus that the chamber can then be completely sealed.
  • superbroman
    5th Apr 2018
    i set life deut 9999999999999999999999999999 and it exploded the reactor XD -1
  • science457
    4th Apr 2018
    And yes. I know that the fuel ingection process is really slow. I am still trying to find a way of speeding it up withought pressure leaks