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15th Apr 2018
15th Apr 2018
No VIRUS. FGS, people. this WILL challenge all bomb makers. Grade VIII wall, right here! Blowing this thing up will earn you in the hall of fame
hard bomb tester wall


  • KyYay
    7th Nov 2020
    2605212 gottem
  • potatoman6778
    26th Mar 2019
    i didnt break it but i just wanted to say turd sooooo... turd
  • Black_Catz
    14th Jul 2018
    2305343 Rekt
  • garr890354839
    5th Jun 2018
    TPTbomb, my bomb saves were meant to be hellish, the point was to make walls to outdo the simplistic walls others built. They are immensely tough, thousands of times moreso than the average bomb wall. They cannot take CRAY, CONV, DRAY OR VIRS, however.
  • doomagent13
    7th May 2018
    I've got a simple BOMB bomb that gets about halfway through. A similar DEST bomb does extensive damage throughout the entire wall. Also, my CONV(WARP) bomb eventually eats all the way through....
  • TPTbomb
    16th Apr 2018
    the wall not the BOMB
  • TPTbomb
    16th Apr 2018
    a few thousand layered particles of BOMB gets about 12 particles deep into the wall, idk but this is really op, doesnt seem that any particles should be banned from using in a bomb against this