Thats a bad reason to dislike, smh.
@Aindan_Fire, It doesn't break by itself. If you put WARP in there and it broke, hen YOU broke it. Electronics aren't meant to stay in one place when you put warp in it.
putting warp in breakt it -1
Why would ANYONE think that's a good idea? It goes without saying to not put WARP into an electronic save.
For the love of god, don't put WARP into the detector.
@R33sesK1ng Thanks for correcting me!
@MajesticPhysics, Not quite, if you put any conductive (1 px. tall) material in between two separate lines of BRAY (once unpaused), nothing will happen; as the material hasn't blocked the signal which would otherwise cause the dray to test conductivity.
@slasher98, XD, don't worry about it, man. The replicator just activates when an ARAY signal is blocked from any of the 3 px. tall units. Also, definitively, to be rude is to intentionally hurt someone, at the very least. I was just being closer to mean, if anything. To be mean, definitively, is to not regard emotion, and only speak your mind. I was not regarding how anyone really felt, I was just telling you that this isn't broken.