@slasher98, That is false, if it does not conudct electricity, it will not work. If it is, it is because of user error. It would otherwise tell you to remove the item -- which is something I assume you did not do...
WAX, CRMC and HEAC all work on it.
But, I won't admonish you guys for saying these things, but I'd much rather there'd be more thought put to words...
Oy vay, none of your judgements make sense. @Som, there are no bugs; if you disagree, then explain to me otherwise. @PrzemsonQYT, obviously that happens because protons break all electronics. It's never a good idea to use warp on stuff that isn't made of diamond. @Emauel007, It will NOT work with any material. It only works with materials that conduct electricity -- an exclusive property to only SOME materials.
@Emanuel007 Try it with a non-metal material, like BRCK.
it works with any material, liar ;(
or protons its gona broake too
update with dont use warp(realy epileption warning)