The new RC-LI, a ship designed for long distance cargo carrying. It has a limited cargo capacity, but it is made up for with speed and stamina. Has light forward defense.
R33sesK1ng, I'll give it a shot in mk ii! I think I did that in the RC-III. Well, the finished/rebuilt one anyways. Problem will be finding a suitable space to do so...
This is very amazing, and all -- very well made, but one small change could be made so as to use semi-conductor logic in order to prevent the "weapons" from 'firing' before the reactor generates any power. It's obviously okay if you don't (the save is fantastic as it is), this is merely a suggestion. :D (+1)
A great ship! Now I feel unmotivated to revive my old ship building projects though :(. Also it gets a bit hot inside ;)
nice work +1
This ship uses the new reactor design in my sister upload. I have made a few tweaks here and there for better more reliable operation.