Subframe and suspension under subframe suspension! Come suspend subframes with subframe with me!
im cant understand even with tutorial with deco off :v
@DUC Subframe suspension does not suspend life updates. The life of SPRK does decrease, it's just that nothing happens after its life reaches zero.
I also have another question: how come the life of SPRK is not decreased when I spark it, but the life of other things (like when I change the ttan to BRAY) the life decreases?
@mark2222 (I tried that, but the interface mostly didn't work with my device)
@DUC Oops, okay. I'll stick with PM, then :P (If you're still up for it, you can still access IRC without downloading anything on webchat -- -- hopefully that would work for you. )
@mark2222 Wait three years, mark. Parental rules will still apply until then :P
@DUC There are IRC clients for mobile too. If you're on android, you can use AndChat (that's what I use on my phone).
@mark2222 Alright I checked it out, but unfortunately it will be a little inconvenient, as I don't use a computer. I probably won't use it much, or not at all. Apologies!
@DUC #powder-subframe is on freenode IRC. There's a wiki page on IRC setup -- . Looking forward to seeing you there!
@mark2222 Wow, thanks so much for all your help! How would I join #powder-subframe?