It is incompleted prototype model and still glitchy a lot. So i would really appreciate it if you guys find some bugs and fix it ! free to copy.
I put slightly condensed deut in the box, not enough to do any real damage and the nuetrons that came from that "scramble" the radar with multiple results: 2,3,7,8. Very cool design. It's fun trying to hide objects from it.
I made a stealth plane hahaha it can't scan it
i made it directional by remoeing the qrzt in the bulb
______L_O_L______: why u have so long name?
very cool ! +1
i made it scan a deut bomb
You can place a sphere of material to show how radar stealth works. It reflects radar away from reciever instead of scattering.
@skullarow real radars cant detect multiple objects if they are static. They should rotate, or in this case, as the game is 2d, move.
cant detect multiple onjectw
use a loop to make it self-update