36 / 0
8th Sep 2018
13th Sep 2018
After hours of experimenting with over 20 different configurations of randomizers I finally managed to make the most compact BMTL+PHOT FILT randomizer in TPT. It's just 38x4 pixels, much smaller than the previous 51x9 made by mark2222.
deletethegrvt eatpant random electronics phot 60hz plotter number


  • XVNexus
    18th Jul 2019
    Ummmm... LBPHacker's randomizer just started emitting photons like cray which did something to DUC's randomizer and the GRAV sign got sucked into it and then a green line sprouted up out of the left side of the graph O_O
    2nd Oct 2018
    when you remove the chart with CTRL + SHIFT, a randomizer breaks.
  • Im_ygy
    15th Sep 2018
    Press 3
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Sep 2018
    also do CTRL + = it helps with subframe
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Sep 2018
    But the output isn't random, because of the mathematical computations...
  • Im_ygy
    12th Sep 2018
    @R33sesK1ng Computers in real lofe usually prossess random numbers seedef with time.That's enough mainly for randers.
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Sep 2018
    @nosomebodies, It is impossible for a computer to spew out information randomly because of the way computers process information, that is, they always HAVE to process information and send out that information through some mathematical sequence. Things in real life, however aren't completely predictable... as the most complex systems couldn't be able to predict what can happen in the future with no error.
  • Electro40
    11th Sep 2018
    Woa that small
  • nosomebodies
    10th Sep 2018
    apple5265, I keep thinking that this randomness, while predictable, is much more random than all the PRNGs ever in practice because of all the useless to the RNG noise produced by the simulation.
  • apple5265
    9th Sep 2018
    Predictable randomness. Its impossible for a computer alone to make sometihing "random". +1 tho