64 / 3
18th Sep 2018
25th Sep 2018
After almost a year, finally made use of my perception modules. This one registers walls it encounters on each sides, and stores the information for 40 seconds, with response reevaluation every 10 s. The answer modules are connected to a 'voting' system.
hal9000 skynet artifical intelligence beginingoftheend robot new wearescrewed


  • Desty
    29th Dec 2023
    It seems like these are just latches, wires, and what looks like stacked AND gates, how does it work?
  • tatem1800
    29th Sep 2018
    thank you
  • Karakanlud
    28th Sep 2018
    They work as latches.
  • tatem1800
    27th Sep 2018
    I understand, but you talk of heat based gates, what logic gates are they?
  • Karakanlud
    25th Sep 2018
    Hmm, I'll try to draw something like that. Electronics isn't my major, so I don't know how features like heat-based gates should be implemented in a real circuit.
  • tatem1800
    24th Sep 2018
    hey karakanlud, I have a question, do you have a schematic of this. i like to build circuits and woul really like to build this in real life.
  • Karakanlud
    24th Sep 2018
    Also if you guys are interested, I could take these to a larger board tpt mod, so I could actually build more complex AI units.
  • Karakanlud
    24th Sep 2018
    Added a smaller version.
  • Karakanlud
    24th Sep 2018
    For the next bots, I'll try to implement a position-aware perception module, instead of/in addition to the curren time-aware ones. I also have a 'reflex' module ready, which, instead of calculating a route, gives the same response (like going towards food blocks or fleeing from other bots), which decreases in intensity as time passes.
  • zqasd
    24th Sep 2018
    Wait, all this time we could defeat Skynet with CURVED BRICK?!