45 / 2
19th Oct 2018
19th Oct 2018
4 Bit Calculator, instructions inside save. Addition subtraction only, for subtraction, first number must be larger than second.
calculator math 4bit adder computer electronic spark


  • JozeffTech
    15th Nov 2019
    Holy bismuth, this is magnificent!
  • CALVIN1390
    25th Oct 2018
    rca look at my saves an add em on planet x or full name Xeroxide like make it a planet in whatever solar system you want to add it
  • RCAProduction
    23rd Oct 2018
    NoVIce, correct! If I were to bump it up to 5 bits it could do 16 positive and 16 negative, but I think 4 bits is enough for now, and 8 bits would be the next step.
  • NoVIcE
    23rd Oct 2018
    The first sentence doesnt make any sense but nvm im too lazy to think properly
  • NoVIcE
    23rd Oct 2018
    @dominiPOL actually negative numbers are nothing more than this. This can calc with nums from 1 to 16, where the whole range is positive, ie unsigned calc. But to make it signed (to have negative numbers too), you just need to put an imaginary zero point and call everything below it negative. So to have negatives it should be from -7 to +8. or -8 to +7 (the 0 is a number too), because the range is still 16.
  • expunged
    23rd Oct 2018
    Um, why are the borders made of meltable material? You know there is an option to make an indestructable wall in the options?
  • dominiPOL
    21st Oct 2018
    cant do negatives -1 jk i like it
  • RCAProduction
    20th Oct 2018
    Almist04, my original save was just the computational part, with no encoder or decoder. IT explains the details of function. The transistor block that actual calculates everything, is actually very small. In a computer, the rest of it could be integrated to save loads of space, or use better FILT methods... ID:2201481
  • Almist04
    20th Oct 2018
    Pretty dang impressive, but maybe you could make a smaller one for practical computer use? +1
  • LBPHacker
    19th Oct 2018
    That's one serious looking adder. Love it.