22nd Mar 2011
27th May 2011
A reversi game. Please write in comments any ideas about improvements.
So how mutch do you think this operating system is worth? 500 dollars? 100 DOLLARS? NO JUST 99 DOLLARS. ALL THESE FEATURES PLUS REVERSI ONLY 99 DOLLARS! ORDER TODAY! NOT AVAILABLE IN NEBRASKA!
I like it. I DO think you ahould add in a logic ciruit that automatically switches players. Still, +1.
when you place your piece you're supposed to flip all of the pieces that would get flipped. there is no special logic circuit to automatically do it. Duh
lol, blu is spelled like in tf2
maybe you don't spark in the middle, but somewhere else?
They don't reverse.
in electronics section, 4th from the left
Where did you get pump`
For example? Why doesn't it obey the rules?
This does not obey the rules of Reversi.