tried a thing, idk why but this is cool to me ... gotta work on turning ALL neutrons into sparks tho, not just most. Feel free to use any of this too! Sharing is caring, my nerdy comrades ;) Aditional warning: it's reeeeeeally slow Edit: made even slower
nice work dude! +1
It isn't working I guess...
oh and you should put a question mark.
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functionate? don't you mean functional.
2353427. This one should be a bit more functionate
+1 for ambition. Interesting project. Tthe CONV could be given a tmp of 18 so that it only converts newtrons (also allows it to touch other elements safely) and thus doesn't give a false reading for strayed elec. Or alternate CONV and VOID in a line, set CONV ctype to SPRK and tmp 18, and it can be right up against a conductor.
+1 for communism comrade
Looks cool indeed.